Returns, Exchanges & More
How do I make a return?
You can make a return within 30 days of receiving your package through our returns & exchanges portal. Returns must be received in new condition and in original packaging to ensure a full product refund.
We offer Checkout Plus at checkout for $1.98. This means the cost of a return label will be completely covered in case you change your mind. This return insurance cannot be removed from an order once the order has been placed.
If you choose not to purchase Checkout Plus, you will be responsible for the cost of the return shipping label ($7.95) through the portal.
Checkout Plus is not available for international customers. To make a return, please mail to: Dareth Colburn, 10 Federal St, Ste 300, Salem, MA 01970. Full product refunds will be issued upon receipt of your return (not including shipping, duties or import taxes).
How do I make an exchange?
You can make an exchange through our returns & exchanges portal. All exchanges are eligible for FREE SHIPPING.